3)2017年10月至今,European Polymer Journal编委
1)发展了一系列可一步法合成具有单分散粒径与均匀(化学或物理)交联网络结构、且表面同时含有可控/“活性”自由基聚合引发或链转移基团及其他功能基团的“活性”聚合物微/纳米球的可控/“活性”自由基沉淀聚合(CRPP)新技术,为有效制备各种本体与表面化学结构均可控的多功能聚合物微/纳米粒子铺平了道路(Macromolecules 2011, 44, 5893-5904; J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 1983-1998; Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 2208-2210; Macromolecules 2019, 52, 143-156)。
2)将可控/“活性”自由基沉淀聚合(CRPP)新技术引入分子印迹领域,开辟了多条制备适于复杂水溶液体系(尤其是未经稀释的纯生物样品)的分子印迹聚合物(MIPs)的简便、高效且通用的途径,解决了困扰分子印迹领域多年的难题(审稿人评语);在此基础上,首次发展了多种可直接在未经稀释的复杂生物样品(如纯牛奶、血清、尿样)中对有机小分子农药、食品添加剂及抗生素等进行高灵敏度、高选择性、快速准确检测的荧光MIPs传感材料,为MIPs在生物分析与生物医用等领域中的实际应用奠定了基础(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11731-11734; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 1511-1514; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 15741-15749; Biosens. Bioelectron. 2016, 86, 580-587; J. Mater. Chem. B 2019, 7, 2474-2483; Talanta 2020, 211, 120711; Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1806328)。
3)发展了可以简便高效地制备光致形变偶氮聚合物光驱动器的新型后交联技术(J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19, 236-245;Eur. Polym. J. 2015, 69, 592-604),并构筑了一系列具有优异可再加工性能与光致形变性能的物理交联型主链偶氮液晶聚合物(Macromolecules 2013, 46, 7650-7660)与具有可逆化学交联结构的偶氮液晶聚合物(Polym. Chem. 2016, 7, 5088-5092)。
迄今为止,以第一或通讯作者在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater.、Macromoelcules、ACS Macro Lett.、Biomacromolecules、Chem. Commun.、Biosens. Bioelectron.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Chinese J. Polym. Sci.等国内外刊物上发表学术论文80余篇,受邀撰写英文专著4章。与王槐三教授等合作出版《高分子物理教程》教科书1部(科学出版社,第二作者)。已获授权发明专利11项(包括1项美国发明专利)。
1)Huiqi Zhang*, Molecularly imprinted nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Adv. Mater. 2020, 32(3): 1806328.
2)Yue Ma, Guoqing Pan, Ying Zhang, Xianzhi Guo, Huiqi Zhang*, Narrowly dispersed hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles for efficient molecular recognition in real aqueous samples including river water, milk, and bovine serum, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(5): 1511-1514.
3)Guoqing Pan, Ying Zhang, Yue Ma, Chenxi Li, Huiqi Zhang*, Efficient one-pot synthesis of water-compatible molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres by facile RAFT precipitation polymerization, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50(49): 11731-11734.
4)Congguang Zheng, Yan Zhou, Yanpeng Jiao, Huiqi Zhang*, Narrow or monodisperse, physically cross-linked, and “living” spherical polymer particles by one-stage RAFT precipitation polymerization, Macromolecules 2019, 52(1): 143-156.
5)Liangjing Fang, Hongtao Zhang, Zidong Li, Ying Zhang, Yuying Zhang, Huiqi Zhang*, Synthesis of reactive azobenzene main-chain liquid crystalline polymers via Michael addition polymerization and photomechanical effects of their supramolecular hydrogen-bonded fibers, Macromolecules 2013, 46(19): 7650-7660.
6)Jingshuai Jiang, Ying Zhang, Xianzhi Guo, Huiqi Zhang*, Narrow or monodisperse, highly cross-linked, and “living” polymer microspheres by atom transfer radical precipitation polymerization, Macromolecules 2011, 44(15): 5893-5904.
7)Man Zhao, Xiaojing Chen, Hongtao Zhang, Husheng Yan, Huiqi Zhang*, Well-defined hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres for efficient molecular recognition in real biological samples by facile RAFT coupling chemistry, Biomacromolecules 2014, 15(5): 1663-1675.
8)Yaqiong Yang, Hui Niu, Huiqi Zhang*, Direct and highly selective drug optosensing in real, undiluted biological samples with quantum dots-labeled hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymer microparticles, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8(24): 15741-15749.
9)Chenxi Li, Yue Ma, Hui Niu, Huiqi Zhang*, Hydrophilic hollow molecularly imprinted polymer microparticles with photo- and thermoresponsive template binding and release properties in aqueous media, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7(49): 27340-27350.
10)Juyin Nie, Xiaopeng Liu, Yu Yan, Huiqi Zhang*, Supramolecular hydrogen-bonded photodriven actuators based on an azobenzene-containing main-chain liquid crystalline poly(ester-amide), J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5(39): 10391-10398.