完成多项国家、天津市自然科学基金和横向项目,现主持国家自然科学基金一项,天津市自然科学基金重点项目一项。研究成果发表在Journal of Materials Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, Nanotechnology, Sensors and Actuators B, Crystal Growth & Design, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C等国际刊物上。目前共发表SCI论文100余篇。申请国家发明专利4项。2008年度天津市自然科学三等奖。
1. S. R. Wang*, et. al., One-pot synthesis of 3D hierarchical SnO2 nanostructures and their application for gas sensor, Sens. Actuators B, 2015, 207, 83–89.
2. S. R. Wang*, et. al., Brookite TiO2 decorated α-Fe2O3 nanoheterostructures with rod morphologies for gas sensor application, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 7935-7943.
3. S. R. Wang*, et. al., Hongxin Zhang, Shurong Wang,* Yanshuang Wang, Jiedi Yang, Xueling Gao and Liwei Wang, TiO2 (B) nanoparticles-functionalized WO3 nanorods with enhanced gas sensing properties, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 10830—10836.
4. S. R. Wang*, et. al., A Au-functionalized ZnO nanowire gas sensor for detection of benzene and toluene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 17179-17186.
5. S. R. Wang*, et. al., Synthesis of hierarchical SnO2 nanostructures assembled with nanosheets and their improved gas sensing properties, Sens. Actuators B, 2013, 188, 85–93.
6. S. R. Wang*, et. al., Organic/inorganic hybrid sensors: A review, Sens. Actuators B, 182, 467-481 (2013).
7. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “Synthesis of hierarchical SnO2 nanostructures assembled with nanosheets and their improved gas sensing properties”, Sens. Actuators B, 188, 85-93 (2013).
8. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “Construction and enhanced gas sensing performances of CuO-modified α-Fe2O3 hybrid hollow spheres”, Sens. Actuators B, 177, 570-576 (2013).
9. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “ZnO nanorod gas sensor for ethanol detection”, Sens. Actuators: B, 162, 237-243 (2012).
10. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “3D hierarchically porous ZnO structures and their functionalization by Au nanoparticles for gas sensors”, J. Mater. Chem., 21, 349-356 (2011).
11. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “A simple one-pot strategy for the synthesis of ternary graphene/SnO2/Au hybrid nanomaterials”, CARBON, 9, 3538-3543 (2011).
12. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “Enhanced sensor response of Ni-doped SnO2 hollow spheres”, Sens. Actuators: B, 152, 162-167 (2011).
13. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “Au nanoparticle-decorated porous SnO2 hollow spheres: a new model for a chemical sensor”, J. Mater. Chem., 20, 6453-6459 (2010).
14. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “A general approach to fabricate diverse noble metals (Au, Pt, Ag, Pt/Au)/Fe2O3 hybrid nanomaterials”, Chem. Eur. J., 16, 8108-8116 (2010).
15. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “Amino acid-assisted one-pot assembly of Au, Pt nanoparticles onto one-dimensional ZnO microrods”, Nanoscale, 2, 1178-1184 (2010).
16. S. R. Wang*, et. al., “Porous α-Fe2O3 decorated by Au nanoparticles and their enhanced sensor performance”, Nanotechnology, 21, 095501(2010).